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Home » Accommodation Support Respite Home Care

Accommodation Support Respite Home Care

Respite care is generally a short-term assistance, but at NDISS can be arranged for longer periods. It’s a service that will give the parents/care giver a break from their daily role. This also provides an opportunity for the participant to develop:

  • Independence
  • Self confidence
  • learn new skills
  • a chance to make new friends,

all the while being supported and supervised by our professional companions. This service can be provided in your home, in the community or a purpose-built Respite Home which offer all the comforts and facilities of a regular home.

Group Centre Activities – Community Participation, Group Programs & Outings Our programs are designed with the participants interests at heart; in consultation with the participants family and therapists/educators we aim to help them by:

  • Having fun in a safe and nurturing environment
  • Develop their self confidence
  • Ability to make choices
  • The chance to develop friendships
  • Work on their physical skills and ability

Looking for a house to call home?

Our shared living arrangements are designed to support residents as they develop their independence and engage in a variety of activities and programs through our whole-of-life approach to accommodation supports. Our priority is that each resident feels included, safe and happy so they can enjoy the Afford lifestyle. Our Supported Accomodation homes are filled with friendships and the best quality supports available within the disability sector. A place you can call home and live independently on your terms, where your choices and privacy are respected.

Accommodation Support Respite
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